Robot Pose Shuffleboard Plugin (Mar 2019)#
Project Link
- Uses encoder data from robot to generate Pose and graph it on FRC Shuffleboard to see real time position of robot on the field.
- Uses JavaFX
Mecanum Robot Path Generator (Mar 2019)#
Project Link
- Generates motion profile for a mecanum robot based on physical characteristics of drivebase
- Used JavaFX for easy to use GUI
- Able to export wheel velocities and timestep for robot to follow to CSV file format.
FRC Vision Program with OpenCV (Mar 2019)#
Project Link
- Uses C++ and OpenCV to detect retro-reflective targets
- Optimized to run on raspberry pi
- Ran at 60 fps
- Pushed target data back to central processor
Project Link
- Converts MIDI signals from Novation Launchpad to XInput gamepad signals
- Uses Vjoy for creation of joysticks
- Allows configuration of custom buttons
Wegmans Recipe Game (Nov 2018)#
Project Link
- UB Hackathon Project 2018
- Worked with 3 other people
- Used Wegmans API to fetch recipes and ingredients and the player has to fetch the food items from around the store as fast as possible.
Android Camping Application (Feb 2018)#
Project Link
- An Android application that recommends you camping gear based on location of camp site as well as date of trip.
- BU Hackathon Project 2018
- Written in Java
- Worked with 2 other students
WAFT - Wireless Appliance for Fencing Technology (Nov 2017)#
Project Link
- A wireless fencing scoring system that is much cheaper than traditional systems
- Uses two raspberry-pi zeros to communicate with laptop and compare timestamps of hits
- Supports all three fencing weapons
- Written in python and uses websockets
FRC Countdown Alexa Skill (Dec 2016)#
Project Link
- An alexa skill that says the current time until the next FRC season kickoff
- Written in python
- Runs on AWS lambda server
Kangaroo Endless Runner (Nov 2016)#
Project Link
- An endless runner similar to the chrome dinosaur game.
- Written in Python Pygame
- Project for 2016 UB Hackathon
- Worked with 2 other students
Four Quadrant Quiz (Dec 2015)#
Project Link
- A game/quiz app where you drag the text to the correct category
- Written in HTML, CSS and Javascript
- Uses jquery, and dragula libraries